how does verdad works?
we are making a tool that helps people avoid scams on firstledger .
what can this tools do ?
bubble map
we have a bubblemap . showing the connection of each wallet .
shows how much supply these wallet holding
also shows which wallet funded them .
dev wallet
this fetures shows how many token this dev have created .
when did the wallet got created .
funded by which wallet or exchanges
also shows the previous token that dev launched (if have)is rugged or not
this will shows a red dot on the tool next to the dev name
that helps you to avoid this dev if he tried to launch another token again .
top holder
this helps you to scan top 15 holders wallet of the token
what other coins they are holding .
how much xrp they have
also tells you the previous token these wallet buys how long they holded it for
all this just by 3 simple clicks .
1 copy the ca of the token
2 paste on our scanner
3 click scan .
done all the details will shows up with in 5 secs !
What's the future plan?
this is just the beginning
every 2 weeks we will do a small update for the tool .
every month we will add new fetures into it
the tool is completely free to use
we are also planning making this as a telegram bot
and chrome extension !
want to work with uS?
if you wanted to work with us and help us build the tool
message me on the telegram !
we are here to make first ledger great again .
simply click the “Verdad” botton in the first page of the website
and paste the ca on the box . click “scan”
wait for 3-5 seconds . then the box should pop up !
“Tool will release 48hours after the offical launch”
we will unmask the vast majority of scammers and fraudulent projects
all the scammer will be gone